In response to a USEPA consent decree, the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati hired a team led by our firm to develop and implement wet-weather control strategies along one of Cincinnati’s busiest transportation thoroughfares that connects the west side of the city to downtown. We led this project through concept development and design and provided construction services for this multimillion-dollar project. The vision for this corridor includes opportunities for redevelopment and streetscape and transportation improvements along 5,600 linear feet of daylighted stream.

This high-profile project included an intensive public outreach and public involvement process, which received the 2012 NACWA award for Public Information and Education.

Relevant components of this corridor improvement project include:

  • Restoration of 5,600 linear feet of stream corridor with an open channel and box conduit conveyance system along with 97,380 linear feet of new storm sewer
  • 6,500 linear feet of a shared-use path
  • 3,000 linear feet of other walks and paths
  • Six new vehicular bridges, new sidewalks, curb ramps, and street lighting
  • An off-road, multi-use, paved, pedestrian-friendly path along the channel corridor
  • Green infrastructure bioswales, bioretention areas, and other drainage improvements to treat roadway runoff and convey overland flows during the 25- and 100-year storms
  • Enhancement of existing ravines for water quality treatment and slope stabilization
  • Bicycle and pedestrian signage
  • Streetscape and open space lighting
  • Pedestrian bridge and boardwalk

Awards Won:

  • ACEC Ohio Engineering Excellence Outstanding Achievement Award
  • ACEC Ohio Engineering Excellence Grand Award
  • ACEC National  Engineering Excellence Grand Award
  • APWA National Public Works Project of the Year 2022 – Environment; More than $75 Million
  • ASCE National Innovation in Sustainable Engineering Award for 2023


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